To regain balance, you must achieve the balance between the internal body organs and the external elements of earth, fire, water, wood, and metal.
Acupuncture is a form of treatment that involves inserting very thin needles through a person’s skin at specific points on the body with the aim of balancing their energy and cure illnesses. It helps in case of : Low back pain Neck pain Osteoarthritis Knee pain Headache and migraine After the acupuncture Therapy people feel relaxed and others feel energized after an acupuncture treatment. If you’re unsure of how or where to start, consult with a certified acupuncturist. A professional can demonstrate where and how to apply pressure properly. Acupuncture is recognized as safe and beneficial for many conditions, but it’s not a cure-all for everything. Rowena Humphris currently offers Acupuncture treatment in UK. The easiest way to book is to contact me for TCM Acupuncture Initial Consultation UK through my website: EMAIL - [email protected], TELEPHONE NUMBER - 07525936516
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You may have heard of the concept of “soul retrieval.” But, if you are like most people,
you may not know what it actually means, or if it is something you should do! Soul retrieval is the process of recovering the lost soul fragments and is typically performed by shamans. Soul retrieval practices exist in many cultures. Shamanism is the oldest spiritual practice known to humankind. We know from the archaeological evidence that shamanism was practiced all over the world for at least 40,000 years. However many anthropologists believe that the practice dates back over 100,000 years. The purpose of the Soul Retrieval process is to recover the parts of our subtle bodies that have fragmented by following traditional Shamanic ways to find these lost soul pieces, and then what is done to fully reintegrate these fragments is the therapy part. Anyone who had a trauma, from a shamanic point of view, may have had some loss of their soul. By soul, we mean the spiritual essence essential throughout one's life as we describe life in our culture, which is from conception or birth to the time of death. The techniques for healing soul loss are soul-retrieval techniques, and one of the classic shamanic methods is to go searching for that lost portion of the soul and restore it. Soul retrieval and reintegration provide the following benefits: You’ll feel grounded You’ll be energized, awake, and feel more alive You’ll notice that you seem to have greater influence in the world You’ll become more aware of decisions, choices, and behaviors You’ll have an unexplainable surge of joy or feeling of lightness You’ll notice better physical well being and experience lesser sickness You’ll sleep better You’ll be more equipped to battle addictive tendencies You’ll feel a sense of belonging or wholeness You’ll notice better mental clarity When a soul retrieval is done, usually you feel really tired for the next few days. Healing can take days, to weeks, to months, and this is considered spiritual and energetic surgery. Many emotions can surface as you going through the healing process as well, but in the end, most feel more whole afterward, and that is the whole point! Are you feeling frustrated and fed up! Even depressed, anxious and possibly even thoughts of giving up to some extent. You are not alone, the world is as a stressful place and many people suffer in pain silently. Especially these days with so many yogis, raw foodies and meditation gurus online. It can be really hard to change something in your life or "be" happy, "think" positive. Many of us have a surface life with smiles and hellos and then inside what the hell is going on!! I work with people to get in touch with the "what the hell" inside and work through it - and actually let it drive and direct you to develop and grow not stagnate. Its a powerful energy flow inside and with someone who cant help redirect it it can transform to move you to the right place you need to be. Emotions that are stuck and blocked are the cause of all ill health and western life only knows how to suppress - not how to enter them and deal with. Emotions are the cause of all ill health and left alone this can cause disease. I have transformed my life of trauma and abuse by going into my emotions and redirecting them and getting to know them. Getting to know the real me. The world is in a lot of trauma and pain in many places - start within your world and we can make changes outside together x love and light Rowena |